TheFPV BS2 Micro AIO FPV Camera VTX - No Video Output

TheFPV BS2 Micro AIO FPV Camera VTX - No Video Output

We have had some support requests from customers about thier BS2 FPV Camera/VTX unit not outputting any images (your FPV screen is just black).  This happens when the camera is not connected via your flight controller OSD unit. 

To solve this, you need to connect the video in and out wires together on this unit to get video out, as the unit is designed to connect to your FC OSD (so the one wires is video out from the camera, while the other is video in to the VTX.. if those plugs are disconnected like they are in your video the VTX is not getting any video signal.

Alternatively once the unit is connected to your flight controller OSD it will also work (as this is what is designed for and is the reason why the unit has video in and out connectors)